Archive | August, 2015

End of summer poster session

19 Aug

Today was the last day that the summer students were in the lab (although some of them will be back next week when the semester starts). I asked each of them to make a poster with a figure they made this summer. They are learning to program in R, and making figures is a big part of what they’ve worked on. I took snap shots of some of the students with their posters. They did a great job!

2015-08-19 14.53.47 Pedro Zorzanelli da Vitoria from Brasil

2015-08-19 14.54.31 Brendan Kusuma (SFSU, undergrad)

2015-08-19 14.55.19 Julia Pyko (SFSU post bac) and Patricia Kabeja (SFSU undergrad)


2015-08-19 14.56.02 Dasha Fedorova (SFSU undergrad) made her poster together with Sidra Tufon (not in the picture).


2015-08-19 14.56.51Dwayne Evans (SFSU Master’s student)